Sunday, July 18, 2010


A blog is a simple online tool that allows a person to post their thoughts and feelings on a certain topic. Different people use blogs for different reasons.

At first, creating a blog seemed daunting. I thought it would be a hard process and take forever to use. However, when I began to create my blog I was amazed at how easy it actually was. Using Google Blogger I successfully created my own personalized blog. I was even able to change my background, font and colour scheme without messing anything up.

I believe that blogs would be a great classroom tool to use in the primary classroom. It would allow students to work collaboratively, share ideas and information, provide feedback to each other and to reflect on their learning. Although it seems most suitable for upper primary students, blogs could be incorporated in to the lower years by making it a whole class activity.

I am glad that I have been given blogging as a task as there is no way I would have created my own blog otherwise. I now plan on incorporating blogs in my future classroom.

Happy blogging everyone =)

After reading Teagan's blog I made a comment about the use of blogs in early year classrooms. You can read my comment here.

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